Webinars at RCREC
The 'Ona Highlight' is a monthly webinar broadcast of the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center, in Ona, FL.
RCREC Webinars - 2025
Date Presenter Video PDF 01/14/2025 Dr. Brett Bultemeier, an Extension assistant professor and the Director of the UF Pesticide Information Office in Gainesville, FL.
What's a PULA and is a BLT More than a Sandwich? PDF 02/11/2025 Colleen Larson, Regional Dairy Agent, Okeechobee Co. Updates in the Florida Dairy Industry PDF 03/11/2025 Dr. Brent Sellers / Dr. Tenzy Mncube Controlling Australian Beardgrass in Florida Pastures - 04/15/2025 Dr. Philipe Moriel Heat Stress in Pregnant Beef Cows - 05/13/2025 Dr. Golmar Golmohammadi AI Application in Water Resources Management - 06/10/2025 Dr. Joao Vendramini Fall Fertilization of Warm-Season Perennial Grasses - 07/08/2025 Dr. Betsey Boughton Cowboys and Scientists: Translating Science info Conservation Action - 08/12/2025 Rick Moyer, President A Florida Cattlemen's Association Update - 09/09/2025 Dr. Philipe Moriel Probiotic Supplementation for Beef Heifers - 10/14/2025 Hannah Baker Cattle Market Outlook - 11/18/2025 Dr. Rosvel Bracho Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Update - 12/09/2025 Dr. Hance Ellington Coyote Ecology in Florida - -
RCREC Webinars - 2024
Date Presenter Video PDF 01/09/2024 Dr. Stephen Enloe, a weed science and invasive plant Extension specialist at the UF Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, Gainesville
What's new in peppertree and climbing fern control? PDF 02/13/2024 Bridget Stice, UF/IFAS Extension Polk and DeSoto Counties and Lauren Butler, UF/IFAS Extension Okeechobee County Bringing Research to the Ranch: Strengthening the Cattle Industry Through the Educational Outreach of the South Florida Beef Forage Program PDF 03/12/2024 Marc Frank, an Extension Botanist, University of Florida Herbarium, Gainesville and Dr. Brent Sellers, a Pasture and Rangeland Weed Management Specialist, UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona
Grasses Gone Bad! Emerging Invasive Grasses PDF 04/09/2024 Dr. Maria Silveira, a Soil and Water Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona An Update on Biosolids Research PDF 05/21/2024 Dr. Philipe Moriel, a Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona Nutritional Impacts on Beef Cow Reproduction PDF 06/11/2024 Dr. Joao Vendramini, a Forage Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona Invisible Fence: A Tool to Optimize Grazing Management in Florida PDF 07/09/2024 Dr. Hance Ellington, a Rangeland Wildlife Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona Barriers faced by Florida landowners in implementing effective wild pig management on private property PDF 08/20/2024 Ona Highlight with guest speakers Dale Carlton, President and Rick Moyer, President-Elect of the Florida Cattlemen's Association Florida Cattlemen's Association: Structure, an activity report on state and federal legislation, and other news. N/A 09/10/2024 Hannah Baker, a State Specialized Extension Agent in Beef and Forage Economics at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona An Overview of the Cattle Market and Planning for the Future PDF 10/22/2024 Dr. Philipe Moriel, Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona Benefits of Probiotic Supplementation in Cow-Calf Herds PDF 11/22/2024 Dr. Maria Silveira, Soil and Water Science Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona UF Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Research Update PDF 12/10/2024 Dr. Golmar Golmohammadi, Hydrology and Water Quality Specialist at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, Ona Groundwater Quantity & Quality Modeling Updates PDF -
RCREC Webinars - 2023
Date Presenter Video PDF 1/20/2023 Ona Highlight with guest presenter Chris Prevatt, Alabama Farmers Federation Commodity Director Market Outlook & Managing Production Costs in a Volatile Economic Environment PDF 2/14/2023 Ona Highlight with guest speaker Dr. Thomas Smith, UF Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Dept. Habitat Fragmentation and Landscape Change: Using experiments to investigate processes occurring at large spatial scales PDF 3/14/2023 Ona Weed Science Program Highlight with Dr. Brent Sellers Update on Broomsedge Studies PDF 4/11/2023 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenters Laura Bennett and Kalan Royal with SFBFP South Florida Beef Forage Program Opportunities PDF 5/9/2023 Ona Agronomy Program Highlight with Dr. Joao Vendramini The Importance of Forage Testing to Supplementation Program Design PDF 6/13/2023 Ona Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Program Highlight with Dr. Hance Ellington Invasive Species in Florida's Rangelands PDF 7/11/2023 Ona Watershed Hydrology Program Highlight with Dr. Golmar Golmohammadi Conservation Practices to Improve Groundwater Quality in Central Florida PDF 8/15/2023 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenters Pat Durden and Dale Carlton of the Florida Cattlemen's Association Florida Cattlemen's Association: History, structure, and an activity report on state and federal legislation plus other news and helpful information. N/A 9/12/2023 Ona Highlight with guest presenter Dr. Cassio Brauner Brazilian Beef Cattle Industry Environmental and Nutritional Challenges and Opportunities PDF 10/24/2023 Ona Highlight with guest presenter Dr. Augustine Obour Grazing of Cover Crops and Annual Forages to Improve Soil Health in Dryland Cropping Systems in the Semi-Arid Great Plains PDF 11/14/2023 Ona Soil and Water Science Program Highlight with Dr. Maria Silveira
LTAR Research UpdatePDF 12/12/2023 Ona Agronomy Program Highlight with Dr. Joao Vendramini Stockpiled Forages for Cow-Calf Production in Florida PDF -
RCREC Webinars - 2022
Date Presenter Video PDF 12/13/2022 Ona Highlight with guest presenter Dr. Sally Brown Is Anything Safe? Basics of risk assessment in the era of PFAS PDF 11/1/2022 Ona LTAR Highlight with Dr. Maria Silveira Ona Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Highlight PDF 10/11/2022 Ona Highlight with Dr. Sally Brown (rescheduled to Dec. 13) none 9/30/2022 Ona Highlight Chris Prevatt (cancelled due to Hurricane Ian) none 8/9/2022 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenters Wes Carlton and Dale Carlton with the Florida Cattlemen's Association Current issues and initiatives of the Florida Cattlemen's Association N/A 7/12/2022 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenter David Mason Fire Generates Seed Rain Via the Magnet Effect PDF 6/21/2022 Ona Animal Science Program Highlight with Vinicius Izquierdo Heat Stress in Beef Cattle PDF 5/10/2022 Ona Wildlife Ecology Program Highlight with Dr. Hance Ellington Wild Pigs in Florida: The what, why, and how PDF 4/12/2022 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenters Allie Williams and Sheri Trent with the SFBFP Collaboration, Communication, and Education: Enhancing Florida's livestock industry through the SFBFP PDF 3/8/2022 Ona Graduate Student Highlight with Jaime Garzon Ecosystem Services of Overseeding Aeschynomene into Bahiagrass Pastures in Florida PDF 2/08/2022 Ona Highlight with Guest Presenter, Colleen Larson The SLICK Gene in Holstein Cattle Improves Thermotolerance PDF 1/11/2022 Ona Weed Science Program Highlight with Dr. Brent Sellers Ways to Manage Smutgrass: Past, present, and future PDF -
RCREC Webinars - 2021
Ona Highlight Wes Anderson December 2020 PDF
RCREC Webinars - 2020
RCREC Webinars - 2019
RCREC Webinars - 2018
RCREC Webinars - 2017
Dated Type Title and Media Presenter 12/12/2017 Rangeland Wildlife and Ecosystems Highlight Using Drones to Assess Feral Swine Damage on Florida Rangeland
Download PDF of presentationRaoul Boughton 11/14/2017 Livestock and Forage Economics Highlight Beef Cattle and Forage Economics Highlight
Download PDF of presentationChris Prevatt 11/14/2017 Agronomy Highlight The Use of Sunnhemp as Forage in Florida Joao Vendramini 5/9/2017 Animal Science Highlight FCA 2017 Studies and Preconditioning Studies
Download PDF of presentationPhilipe Moriel & Gleise da Silva 4/11/2017 Weed Science Highlight Students, Perennial Peanut, Smutgrass, and Bermudagrass
Download PDF of presentationBrent Sellers 1/20/2017 Animal Science Highlight Factors impacting the free-choice intake of salt-based mineral supplements
Download PDF of John Arthington's presentationDownload PDF of Juliana Ranches' presentationJohn Arthington & Juliana Ranches -
Ona Report Presentations
Ona Report Presentations