Agricultural Resources
The following online resources are displayed to help you quickly locate information that can be valuable and useful in your agricultural and science-based endeavors.
- American Cowboy Magazine
- Arizona Rancher's Management Guide
- EDIS - Agriculture
- High Plains Journal
- Journal of Extension
- Southeast Ag Net
- Successful Farming
Reference Material
- Breeds of Livestock - Oklahoma State University
- Dr. Temple Grandin's Web Site
- PennState News and Publications - College of Agricultural Sciences
- United States Agricultural Library
- USDA Hay Reports
- Cattle
- Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences
- Department of Environmental Protection
- Florida Agriculture Facts and Statistics
- Florida Department of State
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Florida House of Representatives
- Florida Senate
- Florida Governor
- State of Florida (
- Southwest Florida Water Management District
- Other Resources
University of Florida Resources
Campus Departments
- Agricultural Education and Communication
- Agronomy
- Animal Sciences
- College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Entomology and Nematology
- Environmental Horticulture
- Family, Youth and Community Sciences
- Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Food and Resource Economics
- Food Science and Human Nutrition
- Forest Resources and Conservation, School of
- Herbarium
- Horticultural Sciences
- Microbiology and Cell Science
- Plant Pathology
- Soil and Water Sciences
- Statistics Consulting
- Veterinary Medicine
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Miscellaneous Sites
- EDIS - The Florida Cooperative Extension Publications Database
- IFAS Extension - Solutions for Your Life
- IFAS - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
- University of Florida Web Search
- Small Farms Web Site
- South Florida Beef and Forage Program
Research and Education Centers
- Citrus REC (Lake Alfred)
- Everglades REC (Belle Glade)
- Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory (Vero Beach)
- Fort Lauderdale REC
- Gulf Coast REC (Balm)
- Florida Partnership for Water, Agriculture & Community Sustainability at Hastings
- Indian River REC (Ft. Pierce)
- Mid-Florida REC (Apopka)
- North Florida REC (Suwannee Valley)
- North Florida REC (Marianna)
- North Florida REC (Quincy)
- Plant Science Research & Education Unit (Citra)
- Range Cattle REC (Ona)
- Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory RDS (Ruskin)
- Southwest Florida REC (Immokalee)
- Tropical REC (Homestead)
- West Florida RDS (Jay)
- West Florida REC (Milton)
- Weather
Weed Science
University of Florida links
- EDIS Invasive Weeds Subtopics
- UF-IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
- UF-IFAS Weed Science Fact Sheets
- UF-IFAS Weed Science Slide Sets
- University of Florida Weed Science Web site
- Dr. Brent Sellers
EDIS Documents
Weed Control
- Herbicide Application Techniques for Woody Plant Control
- Blackberry and Dewberry: Biology and Control
- Calibration of Herbicide Applicators
- Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.) Biology, Ecology and Management in Florida
- Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium): Biology and Control
- Florida's Organo-Auxin Herbicide Rule
- Managing Bahiagrass in Hybrid Bermudagrass Pastures
- Single-nozzle Backpack or ATV Sprayer Calibration
- Smutgrass Control in Perennial Grass Pastures
- Thistle Control in Pastures
- Weed Management in Rights-of-way and Non-Cropped Areas
- Weed Management in Fence Rows
- Weed Management In Pastures and Rangeland
- Weed Control in Perennial Peanut
Weed Identification & Biology
Weed Science Programs at Other Universities