RCREC News and Publications
On this page, you'll find links to recent and past newsletters, RCREC publications, and archived material from our "In Focus" features. In addition, you can stay on top of the latest RCREC news and happenings when you join our mailing list.
Here's where you can view the latest RCREC news and happenings, including media mentions, staff updates, and more.
Newsletters 2021 - 2025
RCREC Newsletters
2021 - 2025Newsletter Year Quarterly Issues 2025
Newsletters 2016-2020
RCREC Newsletters
2016 - 2020Newsletter Year Quarterly Issues 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 -
Newsletters 2011 - 2015
RCREC Newsletters
2011 - 2015Newsletter Year Quarterly Issues 2015 2014 2013 2011 -
Newsletters 2001 - 2004
RCREC Newsletters
2001 - 2004Year Issues 2004 2003 2002 2001 -
Newsletters 1998 - 2000
RCREC Newsletters
1998 - 2000Newsletter Year Quarterly Issues 2000 1999 1998 -
- Calculators
- Climatological Reports
- Ask IFAS - powered by EDIS
- Florida Cattle Market Price Watch
- Ona Reports
- Peace River Farmer and Rancher Articles
- Weed Identification Tool
Additional Publications by Topic
- Cattle - breeding, management, ONA White Angus, and feeding
- Forage/Pasture - fertilization, grasses, legumes, management, and pest and weed control
- South Florida Beef Forage Program
- Field Day Proceedings
In Focus Archives
In Focus Archives
Here's where you can view the In Focus archives, separated into the following categories:
- Cattle Management
- Economics
- Forage
- Fertilization / Liming
- Field Days
- Herd Health
- Miscellaneous
- Supplementation
- Weed Science