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Range Cattle Research & Education Center

Range Cattle Research & Education Center

RCREC Cattle and Forage Field Day 2009

2 black and white cows in a pasture

Thursday, April 16, 2009

9:00 AM Sign-in
9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions - Dr. John Arthington, Director
9:45 AM Opening Remarks - Dr. Larry Arrington, UF-IFAS Senior Vice President
10:00 AM Ribbon Cutting Ceremony -
Jim Handley, Executive Vice President Florida Cattlemen's Association
and Dr. John Arthington, Director
Faculty Presentations
10:30 AM Forage Nutritive Value: What is the value of purchased hay? - Joe Vendramini, Assistant Professor
11:00 AM Combating Hard to Control Weeds - Brent Sellers, Assistant Professor
11:30 AM Pasture Fertilization Decisions - Maria Silveira, Assistant Professor
Noon - Steak Lunch
Afternoon Field Tours
  A) Tour new facilities
  B) Forage research plots
  C) Weed and forage garden
  D) Pasture fertilization research plots

Registration Form
There is no charge for the day's program or lunch, however we must have your completed registration form by April 8th to ensure adequate literature and lunch arrangements are made. Thank you!
Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Additional Person(s):

Send to: 

Field Day 2009 
Range Cattle REC 
3401 Experiment Station 
Ona, FL 33865 

Phone: 863-735-1314 ext 201 
Fax: 863-735-1930

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