Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan - RCREC
The Range Cattle Research and Education Center (RCREC) is a unit of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). It is a multi-discipline research and extension center located in Hardee County.
The purpose of the Range Cattle Research and Education Center is to conduct research and provide information that will solve problems related to improving profitability of beef, forage and field crops, and dairy production in central and south Florida. Emphasis will be placed on developing new information that can be used immediately by these industry groups.
A limited number of basic studies will be conducted to identify the best means of solving problems and to expedite the development of applicable information. The Range Cattle REC faculty will work closely with industry representatives and IFAS research and extension personnel to accomplish this mission. Research plans are developed with careful consideration of industry problems identified by cattlemen advisory groups, the Florida Cattlemen's Association Research Committee, and extension personnel throughout Florida.
Provide science-based information to address the challenges affecting owners and managers of grazinglands.
Our vision is to be the worldwide leader in research and education impacting tropical and subtropical grazinglands.
Strategic Plan
You can view or download the 2021-2025 UF/IFAS RCREC Strategic Plan here.