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Range Cattle Research & Education Center

Range Cattle Research & Education Center

Dr. Paul Mislevy

Professor Emeritus, Agronomy - Pasture, Forage Crops, and Reclamation

Publications Summary 1971 - 2001

  • Book chapters written: 4
  • Refereed publications: 77
  • Non-refereed: 35
    (largely Soil & Crop Science Florida Proceedings)
  • Non-technical papers: 346
    (Circulars, Bulletin, Research Reports, Popular articles, Proceedings)


  • Mislevy, P. W. G. Blue, J. A. Stricker, Boyd C. Cook, and Michael J. Vice. 2000. Phosphate Mining and Reclamation. p. 961-1006 In R. I. Barnhisel et al (ed.) Reclamation of Drastically Disturbed Lands. Agron. Monogr. 41. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Refereed Journals

  • Gates, R. N., P. Mislevy and F. G. Martin. 2001. Herbage accumulation of three bahiagrass populations during the cool season. Agron. J. 93:112-117.
  • Pedreira, Carlos, G. S., Lynn E. Sollenberger, and Paul Mislevy. 2000. Botanical composition, light interception, and carbohydrate reserve status of grazed ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass. Agron. J. 92:194-199.
  • Adjei, Martin B., Paul Mislevy, and Wallace Chason. 2000. Timing, defoliation management, and nitrogen effects on seed yield of ‘Argentine' bahiagrass. Agron. J. 92:36-41.
  • Pedreira, Carlos, G. S., Lynn E. Sollenberger, and Paul Mislevy. 1999. Productivity and nutritive value of ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass as affected by grazing management. Agron. J. 91:796-801.
  • Mislevy, Paul, Donn G. Shilling, Frank G. Martin, and Stephan L. Hatch. 1999. Smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus) control in bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures. Weed Technol. 13:571-575.
  • Mislevy, Paul, J. Jeffrey Mullahey, and Frank G. Martin. 1999. Preherbicide mowing and herbicide rate on tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) control. Weed Technol. 13:172-175.
  • Mislevy, Paul, W. F. Brown, R. S. Kalmbacher, L. S. Dunavin, W. S. Judd, T. A. Kucharek, O. C. Ruelke, J. W. Noling, R. M. Sonoda, and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1999. Registration of Florakirk bermudagrass. Crop Sci. 39:587.
  • Mullahey, J. Jeffrey, Donn G. Shilling, P. Mislevy, and R. A. Akanda. 1998. Invasion of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) into the US: Lessons Learned. Weed Technol. 12:733-736.
  • Andrade, I. F., L. G. Atkinson, L. E. Sollenberger, G. J. Ruegsegger, P. Mislevy, and R. S. Kalmbacher. 1998. Stockpiling herbaceous tropical legumes for dry season feed in Jamaica. Trop. Grassld. 32:166-172.
  • Mislevy, Paul, F. G. Martin, M. B. Adjei, and J. D. Miller. 1997. Harvest management effects on quantity and quality of Erianthus plant morphological components. Biomass and Bioenergy 13:51-58.
  • Rechcigl, J. E. and P. Mislevy. 1997. Stargrass response to lime and phosphogypsum. J. Prod. Agr. 10:19-20, 101-105.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, M. B. Adjei, and J. D. Miller. 1995. Agronomic characteristics of US 72-1153 energycane for biomass Biomass and Bioenergy 9:449-457.
  • Rechcigl, J. E., P. Mislevy, and H. Ibrikci. 1995. Response of established bahiagrass to broadcast lime and phosphorus. J. Prod. Agric. 8:249-253.
  • Horton, G. M. J., W. D. Pitman, and P. Mislevy. 1994. Performance and carcass characteristics of steers fed varying levels of sorghum or corn silage during the growing period. Int. J. Anim. Sci. 9:169-172.
  • Mislevy, P., W. F. Brown, L. S. Dunavin, D. W. Hall, R. S. Kalmbacher, A. J. Overman, O. C. Ruelke, R. M. Sonoda, R. L. Stanley, Jr., and M. J. Williams. 1993. Registration of ‘Florona' stargrass. Crop Sci. 33:359-360.
  • Quesenberry, K. H., G. M. Prine, O. C. Ruelke, L. S. Dunavin, and P. Mislevy. 1993. Registration of ‘Cherokee' red clover. Crop Sci. 33:209.
  • Rechcigl, J. E., P. Mislevy, and A. K. Alva. 1993. Influence of limestone and phosphogypsum on bahiagrass growth and development. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:96-102.
  • Kalmbacher, R. S., F. G. Martin, L. C. Hammond, K. J. Boote, and P. Mislevy. 1993. Bahiagrass canopy size, soil, water, and establishment of aeschynomene. Agron. J. 85:535-540.
  • Mislevy, P., W. F. Brown, R. Caro-Costas, J. Vicente-Chandler, L. S. Dunavin, D. W. Hall, R. S. Kalmbacher, A. J. Overman, O. C. Ruelke, R. M. Sonoda, A. Sotomayor-Rios, R. L. Stanley, Jr., and M. J. Williams. 1993. Registration of ‘Florico' stargrass. Crop Sci. 33:358-359.

Refereed Proceedings 1

  • Mislevy, P., T. R. Sinclair, and J. D. Ray. 2001. Extended daylength to increase fall/winter yields of warm-season perennial grasses. p. 256 In XIX Int. Grassl. Congr., Piracicaba, S. P. Brazil.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, F. M. Pate, and N. F. G. Rethman. 2001. Influence of grazing frequency on biomass production using several selected tropical grasses. p. 294 In XIX Int. Grassl. Congr., Piracicaba, S. P. Brazil.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, M. B. Adjei, and J. D. Miller. 1997. Changes in agronomic characteristics with maturity of Erianthus IK-76-110. p. 19-31-32. In Proc. Int. Grassl. Congr. 18th, Winnipeg, Manitoba/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 8-19 June 1997.
  • Barnett, R. D., A. R. Soffes Blount, P. Mislevy, and J. W. Johnson. 1997. Selection and management of oats for forage production in the southeastern United States. p. 57-63. In Monica Rebuffo and Tabare Abadie (eds.) Third South American Oats Congress. Colonia, Uruguay 11-12 Nov., 1997. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria.
  • Mislevy, P., F. M. Pate, F. G. Martin, and L. M. Rutter. 1997. Pasture production and weaned heifer performance from tropical grasses. p. 29-73-74. In Proc. Int. Grassl. Congr. 18th, Winnipeg, Manitoba/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 8-19 June 1997.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, M. B. Adjei, and J. D. Miller. 1994. Production and agronomic characteristics of US 72-1153 energycane. p. 21-28 In Bruce E. Dale (ed.) Liquid fuels, lubricants and additives from biomass. Proc. of an Alternative Energy Conf., Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. St. Joseph, Michigan, USA.
  • Mislevy, P., M. B. Adjei, F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 1993. Influence of maturity on quality and agronomic characteristics of energycane. In p. 581-582. In Proc. Int. Grassl. Congr. 17th, Palmerston North, New Zealand and Rockhampton, Australia 8-21, February 1993.
  • 1The above proceedings have been reviewed for content, consistency, and format, but not pier reviewed.

Non-refereed Publications

State Journals

  • Mislevy, P., and K. H. Quesenberry. 1999. Development and short description of grass cultivars released by the University of Florida (1892-1995). Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 58:12-19.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 1999. Tropical soda apple control as influenced by frost and herbicides. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 58:107-109.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 1998. Comparison of Tifton 85 and other Cynodon grasses for production and nutritive value under grazing. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 57:77-82.
  • Mislevy, P., J. J. Mullahey, and F. G. Martin. 1997. Response of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) to triclopyr. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 56:11-13.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, G. W. Burton, and L. F. Santos. 1996. Influence of grazing frequency on production and quality of Paspalum, Brachiaria, and Setaria grasses. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 55:97-103.
  • Mislevy, P., P. Busey, and F. G. Martin. 1994. Production and quality of St. Augustinegrass on a Pomona Fine Sand. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida. Proc. 53:69-74.
  • Mislevy, P., M. B. Adjei, F. G. Martin, and J. D. Miller. 1993. Response of US 72-1153 Energycane to Harvest Management. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 52:27-32.

Circulars and Bulletins

  • Mislevy, P. 1999. Stargrass. p. 29-31 In Carrol G. Chambliss (ed.) Florida forage handbook. SP 253. Univ. of Florida, Inst. of Food and Agric. Sci., Gainesville.
  • Mislevy, P., Editor, W. F. Brown, R. S. Kalmbacher, L. S. Dunavin, W. S. Judd, T. A. Kucharek, O. C. Ruelke, J. W. Noling, R. M. Sonoda and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1995. ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass. Florida Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. S-394. pg 1-2.
  • Mislevy, P., Editor, W. F. Brown, R. S. Kalmbacher, L. S. Dunavin, W. S. Judd, T. A. Kucharek, O. C. Ruelke, J. W. Noling, R. M. Sonoda and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1995 ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass. Florida Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. S-395. pg. 1-9.

Research Reports

  • Moreno, J. J., P. Mislevy, F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 2000. Ryegrass forage production at Ona: 1999-2000. Research Report RC-2000-3, pg 1-8.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 2000. Comparison of Tifton 85 to other bermudagrass and stargrass cultivars for production and nutritional value under grazing. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-2000-2, pg 29-32.
  • Stanley, R. L., L. S. Dunavin, J. J. Moreno, P. Mislevy, and F. G. Martin. 1999. Florida Corn Performance Trials for 1999. NFREC Research Report, 99-7. pg 1-6.
  • Mislevy, P. 1999. Important grass cultivars for hay production in central Florida. Range Cattle REC Research Report, RC-1999-4. pg 1-5.
  • Moreno, J. J., P. Mislevy, F. G. Martin, and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1999. Commercial corn variety test results from south-central Florida, 1999. Range Cattle REC Research Report, RC-1999-3. pg 1-6.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 1999. Ryegrass forage production at Ona: 1998-99. Range Cattle REC Research Report, RC-1999-2. pg 1-8.
  • Mislevy, P. 1998. Smutgrass control in bahiagrass pastures. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1998-2. pg 36-38.
  • Moreno, J. J., P. Mislevy, F. G. Martin, and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1997. Commercial corn variety test results from south-central Florida, 1997. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1997-5. pg 1-5.
  • Mislevy, P. 1997. Stargrass and bermudagrass establishment, management, and utilization. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1997-3. pg 1-9.
  • Mislevy, P. 1997. Special use perennial pasture grasses for central and south Florida. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1997-2. pg 9-15.
  • Mislevy, P., J. W. Noling, and K. H. Quesenberry, and F. G. Martin. 1995. Cherokee red clover a cool season legume for winter grazing. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1995-3, pg. 1-4.
  • Mislevy, P., J. W. Noling, K. H. Quesenberry, and F. G. Martin. 1995. Cherokee red clover a cool season legume for winter grazing. In Pasture Legume Field Day. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1995-2, pg. 17-20.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, G. M. Prine. 1995. Ryegrass forage production at Ona: 1994-1995. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1995-5, pg. 1-5.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, D. S. Wofford, and J. Bouton. 1995. Regrowth studies on tall fescue forage production, Ona, 1994-1995. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC-1995-6, pg. 1-5.
  • Moreno, J. J., P. Mislevy, F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 1994. Ryegrass forage production at Ona: 1993-1994. Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Research Report RC1-1994-6. pg 1-5.
  • Mislevy, P., F. M. Pate, and L. M. Rutter. 1994. Feeding molasses slurry to weanling replacement heifers grazing stargrass and bermudagrass. p 6-8 In Cattle and Forage Field Day. Range Cattle REC, Research Report RC 94-4.
  • Mislevy, P., G. W. Burton, W. F. Brown, L. S. Dunavin, W. S. Judd, R. S. Kalmbacher, T. A. Kucharek, W. G. Monson, J. W. Noling. O. C. Ruelke, R. M. Sonoda, and R. L. Stanley, Jr. 1994. ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass. Ona Research and Education Center, Research Report RC-1994-3. pg 1-6.
  • Mislevy, P. 1994. Pasture Renovation. Ona Research and Education Center, Research Report RC-1994-2. pg 1-20.
  • Mislevy, P. 1993. Preliminary grazing data on Tifton-9 vs Pensacola bahiagrass. AREC, Ona Research Report RC 93-1 pg 11-15.
  • Mislevy, P., J. H. Bouton, and F. G. Martin. 1993. Tall fescue forage production at Ona. AREC, Ona Research Report RC-1993-4. 5 pg.
  • Moreno, J. J., P. Mislevy, F. G. Martin, and D. L. Wright. 1993. Commercial Corn Variety Test Results from South-Central Florida, 1993. AREC, Ona Research Report RC-1993-5. 6 pg.
  • Mislevy, P., F. G. Martin, and G. M. Prine. 1993. Ryegrass Forage Production at Ona: 1992-93. AREC, Ona Research Report RC-1993-3. 4 pg.

Popular Articles, Proceedings and Newsletters

  • Mislevy, P. 2000. Researchers working to make grass grow in winter. Crop production magazine. 13:4.
  • Mislevy, P. 2000. How good is Okeechobee stargrass? The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 64:(11)7.
  • Mislevy, P. 2000. Tropical soda apple control following a freeze. Range Cattle REC Newsletter 3:(1)7. UF Coop. Ext. Serv., Gainesville, FL.
  • Mislevy, P. 2000. Comparison of Tifton 85 to other bermudagrass and stargrass cultivars for production and nutritional value under grazing. Range Cattle REC Newsletter 3:(2)6. UF Coop. Ext. Serv., Gainesville, FL.
  • Mislevy, P. 2000. A research program in forages for Florida cattlemen. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 64:(10)27-28.
  • Mislevy, P., Tom Sinclair, and Jeff Ray. 2000. Improving forage productivity during late fall and early winter. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 64:30-31.
  • Mislevy, P. and M. B. Adjei. 1999. Controlling soda apple with mowing and herbicides. Range Cattle REC Newsletter. 2:(2)3-4. UF Coop. Ext. Serv., Gainesville.
  • Mislevy, P. and M. B. Adjei. 1999. Recent studies on smutgrass control. Range Cattle REC Newsletter 2:(3)5-6. UF Coop. Ext. Serv., Gainesville.
  • Mislevy, P. and M. B. Adjei. 1999. Warm season grass growth during a frost-free winter. Range Cattle REC Newsletter. 2:(1)5-6 UF Coop. Ext. Serv., Gainesville.
  • Mislevy, P. 1999. Smutgrass control in bahiagrass pastures. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 63:(10)67.
  • Mislevy, P. and K. H. Quesenberry co-chairs. 1999. Florida First, Forage Crops. Univ. of Florida, IFAS. May 20-21 Safety Harbor.
  • Mislevy, P. 1998. Bermudagrass, stargrass, and bahiagrass growth during a frost-free winter. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 63:(3)41 and 43.
  • Mislevy, P. 1998. Yield and quality of small grains as influenced by harvest stage. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 62:(12)32.
  • Mislevy, P. 1998. Harvesting or grazing grasses 75 days after planting. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 62:(8)30and 35.
  • Mislevy, P. 1997. ‘Florakirk' a bermudagrass for hay. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 61:(10)9.
  • Mislevy, P. 1997. Influence of frost on tropical soda apple control. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 61:(5)26.
  • Mislevy, P. 1996. Performance of Tifton 85 bermudagrass in central Florida. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. 60:(9)37.
  • Mislevy, P. and F. M. Pate. 1996. Establishment, management, and utilization of Cynodon grasses in Florida. p. 127-137. In (Maurillo Jose Alvim, Milton de Andrade Botrel, Leonldas Palxao Passos, Matheus Bressan and Duarte Vllela (Ed.) Anais Do Workshop Sobre O Potencial Forrageiro Do Genero Cynodon. EMBRAPA/CNPGL, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Nov. 6-18.
  • Mullahey, J. J., P. Mislevy, and D. G. Shilling. 1996. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum): an exotic invasive weed in Florida. Int. Conf. Livestock in the Tropics Proc. University of Florida. May 5-7. Tampa, Florida.
  • Mullahey, J. J., P. Mislevy, W. F. Brown and W. N. Kline. 1996. Tropical soda apple, an exotic weed threatening agriculture and natural systems. Down to Earth 51:10-17.
  • Mislevy, P., Galen Wilson and Forrest Gregory. 1996. Weedmaster for establishment of stargrass, bermudagrass and pangolagrass. Developments, Sandoz Co.
  • Mullahey, J. J., Paul Mislevy and Daniel L. Colvin. 1996. Tropical soda apple control - Best management practices-1996. University of Florida, Weeds in the Sunshine SS-AGR-58, pg 1-3.
  • Mullahey, J. J., R. U. Akanda and Paul Mislevy. 1996. Biology and control of tropical soda apple. p. 9-13. In Tropical Soda Apple Symposium Proc. Jan. 9-10, Bartow, FL.
  • Mislevy, P., J. J. Mullahey and D. L. Colvin. 1996. Management practices for tropical soda apple control: update. p. 61-67. In Tropical Soda Apple Symposium Proc. Jan. 9-10, Bartow, FL.
  • Mislevy, P. and J. J. Mullahey. 1995. Tropical soda apple control (Preliminary Results). The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. Vol. 59:(7) Apr. pg. 46.
  • Mullahey, J. J., P. Mislevy and D. L. Colvin. 1995. Tropical soda apple control - best management practices-1995. University of Florida, Weeds in the Sunshine SS-AGR-58. pg. 1-3.
  • Chambliss, C., E. Valencia, P. Genho, and P. Mislevy. 1995. Pasture establishment - planting methods. Proc. Int. Conf. Livestock in the Tropics. Florida Agric. Exp. Stn., May 7 to 10. pg 27-30.
  • Sollenberger, L., C. G. S. Pedreira, P. Mislevy, and I. F. Andrade. 1995. New Cynodon forages for the subtropics and tropics. Proc. Int. Conf. Livestock in the Tropics. Florida, Agric. Exp. Stn. May 7-10. pg. 22-26.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. M. Pate. 1995. Good quality pasture and molasses slurry an important combination to breeding yearling heifers. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal, Vol. 59(10), pg. 25.
  • Mislevy, P., J. W. Noling, and K. H. Quesenberry. 1995. Cherokee red clover an alternative legume for winter grazing. The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal, Vol. 60:(1), pg. 30.
  • Brown, W. F., P. Mislevy, and J. J. Mullahey. 1994. Tropical soda apple can be spread by moving cattle. p. 40. In Ona Report, Fla. Cattleman and Livestock J., Vol. 58, No. 7, April.
  • Mullahey, J. J., P. Mislevy, and D. L. Colvin. 1993. Preliminary management practices to prevent and control tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum). Agronomy Facts IFAS Coop. Ext. Service, Gainesville, FL.
  • Mislevy, P. and J. J. Mullahey. 1994. Smutgrass control in pangolagrass. p. 65. In Ona Report, Fla. Cattleman and Livestock J., Vol. 58, No. 9, June.
  • Mislevy, P. 1993. Proper Pasture Renovation means good grass stands. The Florida Cattlemen and Livestock Journal 57: (6) 27.
  • Mislevy, P. 1993. Lets Talk about smutgrass. Heartland Farmer & Rancher 1:(7) 33.
  • Mislevy, Paul, John Rechcigl, and William Brown. 1993. Production, Management, and Utilization of stargrass. Int Conf Livestock in the Tropics Proc. Gainesville, FL May 9-12.
  • Mislevy, P. and L. S. Dunavin. 1993. Management and Utilization of bermudagrass and bahiagrass in south Florida. 42nd Annual Florida Beef Cattle short course Proc., Gainesville, FL May 5-8 pg 84-95.
  • Mislevy, P. 1993. Clean seedbed important in planting pasture grass. Florida Grower and Rancher 86: (6) 20.


  • Mislevy, P. and F. G. Martin. 1999. Production and nutritive value of Pennisetum entries relative to harvest management. p. 106. In 1999 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Adjei, M. B., P. Mislevy, and W. Chason. 1998. Time and management effects on seed yield of Argentine bahiagrass. p. 106. In 1998 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Gates, R. N., P. Mislevy, R. G. Shatters, and F. G. Martin. 1998. Production and nutritive value response of bahiagrass populations to cool-season environments. p. 107. In 1998 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 1998. Yield and nutritive value of stockpiled subtropical grasses as influenced by cultural practices and a freeze. p. 108. In 1998 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Pedreira, C. G. S., L. E. Sollenberger, and P. Mislevy. 1998. Performance of yearling cattle grazing ‘Tifton 85' and ‘Florakirk' bermudagrass. p. 150. In 1998 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 1998. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) control as influenced by frost and herbicides. p. 21. In 1998 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Lawrence, KS.
  • Smith, K. L., P. Mislevy, and C. T. Bryson. 1998. Influence of herbicides on vegetative establishment of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). In 1998 Southern Weed Sci. Soc. Proc. (Abstract) Vol. 51. 
  • Burton, G. W., P. Mislevy, and R. N. Gates. 1997. Establishing Tifton 85 bermudagrass. p. 13. In 1997 Southern Branch ASA Abstracts. Birmingham, AL.
  • Mislevy, P., R. D. Barnett, T. A. Kucharek, and F. G. Martin. p. 103. In 1997 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Burton, G. W., P. Mislevy, and R. N. Gates. 1997. Establishing Tifton 85 bermudagrass. p. 110. In 1997 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Wilson, G., and P. Mislevy. 1997. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) tolerance and sedge (Cyperus spp.) control with dicamba and 2, 4-D (Weedmaster). p. 31. In 1997 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mislevy, P., J. J. Mullahey, and F. G. Martin. 1997. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) control as influenced by clipping frequency and herbicide rate. p. 30. In 1997 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mullahey, J. J., D. G. Shilling, and P. Mislevy. 1997. Invasion of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) from the Florida beachhead. p. 135. In 1997 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mislevy, P., and F. G. Martin. 1996. Growth curves and forage quality of selected tropical perennial grasses. p. 154. In 1996 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Sollenberger, L. E., D. C. McDonald, G. J. Ruegsegger, P. Mislevy, and R. S. Kalmbacher. 1996. Nitrogen fertilization and stocking rate effects on weight gain of weaned bulls grazing stargrass. p. 155. In 1996 Agronomy Abstracts.
    ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Mislevy, P., W. G. Blue, J. A. Stricker, B. C. Cook and M. J. Vice. 1996. Phosphate Mining and Reclamation. ASSMR (Abstract) American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation. May 20 and 21, Knoxville, Tennessee.
  • Mullahey, J. J., P. Mislevy, and Robinson J. Pitelli. 1996. Status of research and regulatory efforts to control tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal) in Florida. p. 37. In 1996 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mislevy, P., J. J. Mullahey. 1996. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) control in Pensacola bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) pastures. p. 26. In 1996 WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mislevy, P., J. Noling, F. G. Martin, and K. H. Quesenberry. 1994. Influence of methyl bromide on clover production in subtropical Florida. p. 160. In 1994 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Pedreira, C. G. S.*, L. E. Sollenberger, P. Mislevy and R. F. Spitaleri. 1994. Plant responses to defoliation on grazed pastures of experimental bermudagrass line 35-3. p. 195. In 1994 Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI. 
  • Mislevy, P., Donn Shilling, F. G. Martin, and S. L. Hatch. 1994. Smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus (L) R. Br.) control in bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluegge). p. 28. In WSSA Abstracts. Weed Sci Soc. Am., Champaign, IL.
  • Mislevy, P., M. B. Adjei, F. G. Martin and G. M. Prine. 1993. Influence of maturity on quality and agronomic characteristics of energycane. p. 46. In XVII Int. Grassl. Congr. Abstract. Palmerston North, N. Z. Feb. 8-12.