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Range Cattle Research & Education Center

Range Cattle Research & Education Center

Dr. Brent Sellers

Professor and Center Director, Agronomy - Pasture and Rangeland Weed Management

EDIS Documents

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EDIS articles of high interest (quick links):

Refereed Journals

  • Howard, Z.S., Nolte, S. A., Hussey, M., Treadwell, M. L. & Sellers, B. A. (2023). Evaluation of chemical control and seasonal application options for smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus). Weed Technology, 37, 530-536. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2023.70.

  • Rozenberg, G., Dias, J. L. C. S., Anderson, W. M., Sellers, B. A., Boughton, R. K., Piccolo, M. B., & Blank, L. (2023). Using a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle for mapping giant smutgrass in bahiagrass pastures. Precision Agriculture, 24, 971-985. DOI: 10.1007/s11119-022-09982-4.

  • Cardoso, A. S., Silveira, M. L., Kohmann, M. M., Vendramini, J. M. B., Sellers, B., Baldo, A., & Sekiya, B. M. S. (2022). Bahiagrass and soil responses to lime sources and application levels. Agronomy Journal, 114(6): 3183-3192. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.21191

  • Martin, L. J., Sellers, B. A., Devkota, P., Ferrell, J. A., Leon, R. G. & Vendramini, J. M. B. (2021). Tolerance of rhizome perennial peanut to glyphosate and triclopyr. Weed Technology, 35(4), 525-531. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2020.126

  • Dias, J. L. C. S. & Sellers, B. A. (2020). Control of Nuttall’s thistle in perennial grass pastures. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management, 6:e20066. DOI: 10.1002/cft2.20066

  • Fernandez, J. V., Odero, D. C., MacDonald, G. E., Ferrell, J. A., Sellers, B. A. & Wilson, P. C. (2020). Field dissipation of S-metolachlor in organic and mineral soils used for sugarcane production in Florida. Weed Technology, 34(3), 362-370. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2019.121

  • Gordon, D. A. R., Coenders-Gerrits, M., Sellers, B. A., Moein Sadeghi, S. M. & Van Stann II, J. T. (2020). Rainfall interception and redistribution by a common North American understory and pasture forb, Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam. dogfennel). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 4587-4599. DOI: 10.5194/hess-2019-579

  • Martin, L. J., Sellers, B. A., Dias, J. L. C. S., Ferrell, J. A., Leon, R. G. & Vendramini, J. M. B. (2020). Tolerance of pintoi peanut to PRE and POST herbicides. Weed Technology, 34(6), 870-875. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2020.82

  • Negrisoli, R. M., Odero, D. C., MacDonald, G. E., Sellers, B. A. & Laughinghouse, H. D. (2020). Sugarcane response and fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum) control with topramezone and triazine herbicides. Weed Technology, 34:241-249. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2019.95

  • Sperry, B.P., Dias, J. L. C. S., Prince, C. M., Ferrell, J. A. & Sellers, B. A. (2020). Relative activity comparison of aminocyclopyrachlor to pyridine carboxylic acid herbicides. Weed Technology, 34(3), 402-407. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2019.129

  • Cristan, R., Minogue, P. J., Enloe, S. F., Sellers, B. A., & Osiecka, A. (2019). Selective herbicides for control of hen’s eyes (Ardisia crenata) in forests and natural areas. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 12(4), 229-235. DOI: 10.1017/inp.2019.29

  • Dias, J. L. C. S., Duarte, G. E., Colombo, W. L., & Sellers, B. A. (2019). Cadillo (Urena lobata) control with POST herbicides. Weed Technology, 33(3), 387-392. DOI: 10.1017/wet.2018.108

  • Sanchez, J. M. D., Vendramini, J. M. B., Silveira, M. L., Sollenberger, L. E., Dubeux, J. C. B., Jr., Moriel, P., Sellers, B., Yarborough, J. K., & Leite de Oliveira, F. C. (2019). Seeding strategies of bahiagrass and pintoi peanut affect pasture establishment under weed competition. Grass and Forage Science, 74(3), 381-388. DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12413

  • Dias, J. L. C. S., Sellers, B. A., Ferrell, J. A., Silveira, M. L. A., & Vendramini, J. M. B. (2018). Herbage response to dogfennel cover and limited nitrogen fertilization in bahiagrass pastures. Agronomy Journal, 110, 2507-2512.

  • Fernandez, J. V., Odero, D. C., MacDonald, G. E., Ferrell, J. A., Sellers, B. A., & Wilson, P. C. (2018). Differential response of fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum) populations in Florida sugarcane to asulam. Weed Technology, 32, 762-767.

  • Pearsaul, D., Leon, R., Sellers, B., Silveira, M. L., & Odero, D. (2018). Evaluation of verticutting and herbicide for tropical signalgrass (Uruchloa subquadripara) control in turf. Weed Technology, 32, 392-397.

  • Prince, C., MacDonald, G., Ferrell, J., Sellers, B., & Wang, J. (2018). Impact of soil pH on cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) and bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) competition. Weed Technology, 32, 336-341.

  • Dias, J. L. C. S., Banu, A, Sperry, B. P., Enloe, S. F., Ferrell, J. A., and Sellers, B. A. (2017) Relative activity of four triclopyr formulations. Weed Technology, 31, 928-934.

  • Lastinger, C. A., Dias, J. L. C. S., Sellers, B. A., Ferrell, J. A., Silveira, M. L. and Vendramini, J. M. B. (2017) Limpograss (Hemarthria altissima) tolerance to hexazinone. Weed Technology, 31, 682-688.

  • Abe, D.G., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Leon, and D.C. Odero. 2016. Bahiagrass tolerance to aminocyclopyrachlor in Florida. Weed Technology. 30:943-948.

  • Abe, D.G., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Leon, and D.C. Odero. 2016. Tolerance of bermudagrass and stargrass to aminocyclopyrachlor. Weed Technology 30:499-505.

  • Abe, D.G., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, R.G. Leon, and D.C. Odero. 2016. Weed control in Florida pastures with the use of aminocyclopyrachlor. Weed Technology 30:271-278.

  • Durham, M.W., J.A. Ferrell, P. Minogue, G. MacDonald, and B. Sellers. 2016. Evaluation of aminocyclopyrachlor herbicide for turf tolerance and weed control on Florida roadside right-of-ways. Weed Technology 30:190-197.

  • Lastinger, C.A., B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, J.M.B. Vendramini, and M.L. Silveira. 2016. Limpograss tolerance to herbicides is affected by time of year, but not regrowth height or fertilizer application timing. Crop Forage & Turfgrass Management. doi:10.2134/cftm2016.04.0033.

  • Leon, R.G., J.A. Ferrell, and B.A. Sellers. 2016. Seed production and control of sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) and pitted morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa) with 2,4-D, dicamba, and glyphosate combinations. Weed Technology 30:76-84.

  • Rana, N., B. A. Sellers, J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, M. L. Silveira, and J. M. Vendramini. 2015. Integrated management techniques for long-term control of giant smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus var. pyramidalis) in bahiagrass pasture in Florida. Weed Technology 29:570-577.

  • Silveira, M. L., J. M. B. Vendramini, B. Sellers, F. A. Monteiro, A. G. Artur, and E. Dupas. 2015. Bahiagrass response and N loss from selected N fertilizer sources. Grass and Forage Science 70:154-160.

  • Sellers, B. A., S. R. Lancaster, and K. A. Langeland. 2014. Herbicides for postemergence control of mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha). Invasive Plant Sci. Manage. 7:303-309.

  • Silveira, M.L., J.M.B. Vendramini, B. A. Sellers, F.A. Monteiro, A.G. Artur, and E. Dupas. 2014. Bahiagrass response and N loss from selected N fertilizer sources. Grass and Forage Science. DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12078.

  • Ferrell, J.A., R. G. Leon, B. Sellers, D. Rowland, and B. Brecke. 2013. Influence of lactofen and 2,4-DB combinations on peanut injury and yield.  Peanut Science. 40:62-65.

  • Rana, N., B. A. Sellers, J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, M. L. Silveira, and J. M. Vendramini. 2013. Impact of soil pH on bahiagrass competition with giant smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus var. pyramidalis) and small smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus var. indicus). Weed Science. 61:109-116.

  • Chaudhari, S., B. A. Sellers, S. V. Rockwood, J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, and K. E. Kenworthy. 2012. Integrating chemical and cultural practices to control para grass (Urochloa mutica).  Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 50:39-45.

  • Chaudhari, S., B. A. Sellers, S. V. Rockwood, J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, and K. E. Kenworthy. 2012. Non-chemical methods for paragrass (Urochloa mutica) control. Inv. Plant Science Management. 5:20-26.

  • Morichetti, S., J. Ferrell, G. MacDonald, B. Sellers, and D. Rowland.  2012.  Weed management and peanut response from applications of saflufenacil.  Weed Technology. 26:261-266.

  • Rana, N., B. J. Wilder, B. A. Sellers, J. A. Ferrell, and G.E. MacDonald. 2012. Effects of environmental factors on seed germination and emergence of smutgrass varieties. Weed Science. 64:558-563.

  • Vendramini, J. M. B., M. L. Silveira, and B. A. Sellers. 2012. Methods of establishing annual ryegrass into bahiagrass sod affect forage botanical composition, production, and nutritive value. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2012-0517-01-RS.

  • Fast, B. J., J. A. Ferrell, B. A. Sellers, and W. N. Kline. 2011. Controlling saw palmetto with individual and broadcast herbicide treatments. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10:1094/FG-2011-0829-01-RS.

  • Fast, B. J., J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, B. A. Sellers, A. W. MacRae, L. J. Krutz, and W. N. Kline. 2011. Aminopyralid soil residues affect rotational vegetable crops in Florida. Pest Manag. Sci. 67:825-830.

  • Wilder, B. J., B. A. Sellers, J. A. Ferrell, and G. E. MacDonald. 2011. Reponse of smutgrass varieties to hexazinone. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2011-0222-02-RS.

  • Medal, J., N. Bustamante, W. Overholt, R. Diaz, P. Stansly, A. Roda, D. Amalin, K. Hibbard, R. Gaskalla, B. Sellers, S. Hight, and J. Cuda. 2010. Biological control of tropical soda apple (Solanaceae) in Florida: Post-release evaluation. Florida Entomologist. 93:130-132.

  • Inyang, U., J. M. B. Vendramini, L. E. Sollenberger, B. A. Sellers, A. Adesogan, L. Paiva, and A. Lunpha. 2010. Harvest frequency and stubble height affects herbage accumulage, nutrituve value, and persistence of ‘Mulato II’ grass. Forage and Grazinglands. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2010-0923-01-RS.

  • Inyang, U., J. M. B. Vendramini, L. E. Sollenberger, B. A. Sellers, A. Adesogan, L. Paiva, and A. Lunpha. 2010. Forage species and stocking rate effects on animal performance and herbage responses of ‘Mulato’ and bahiagrass pastures. Crop Sci. 50:1079-1085.

  • Ferrell, J. A., B. A. Sellers, G. E. MacDonald, and W. N. Kline. 2009. Influence of herbicide and application timing on blackberry control. Weed Technol. 23:531-534.

  • Rana, N. and B. A. Sellers. 2009. Soft rush control in Florida pastures. Weed Technol. 23:321-323.
  • Sellers, B. A., J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, and W. N. Kline. 2009. Dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) size at application affects herbicide efficacy. Weed Technol. 23:247-250.

  • Wang, J. J., J. Ferrell, G. MacDonald, and B. Sellers. 2009. Factors affecting seed germination of cadillo (Urena lobata). Weed Sci. 57:31-35.

  • Sellers, B. A., R. Diaz, W. A. Overholt, K. A. Langeland, and C. J. Gray. 2008. Control of West Indian marsh grass with glyphosate and imazapyr. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 46:189-192.
  • Wilder, B. J., J. A. Ferrell, B. A. Sellers, and G. E. MacDonald. 2008. Influence of hexazinone on ‘Tifton 85’ bermudagrass growth and forage quality. Weed Technol. 22:499-501.

  • Sellers, B. A. and J. J. Mullahey. 2008. Broadcast versus wet-blade herbicide applications for southern wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) control. Weed Technol. 22:286-289.

  • Sellers, B. A., J. A. Ferrell, and G. E. MacDonald. 2008. Influence of hexazinone on Pensacola bahiagrass growth and crude protein content. Agron. J. 100:808-812.

  • Mohr, K., B. A. Sellers, and R. J. Smeda. 2007. Application time of day affects glyphosate efficacy. Weed Technol. 21:7-13.

  • Sellers, B. A., J. A. Ferrell, W. T. Haller, P. Mislevy, and M. B. Adjei. 2007. Phytotoxicity of selected herbicides on limpograss (Hemarthria altissima). J Aquat. Plant Manage. 45: 54-57.

  • Sellers, B. A. J. A. Ferrell, and J. J. Mullahey. 2007. Frost control of tropical soda apple with aminopyralid. Forage and Grazing Lands. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-0323-01-BR.

  • Ferrell, J. A., B. A. Sellers, C. R. Mudge, and C. A. Smith. 2006. Evaluation of postemergent herbicides on rhizome peanut injury and yield. Online. Forage and Grazing Lands. doi:10.1094/FG-2006-0308-01-RS.

  • Li, J., R. J. Smeda, B. A. Sellers and W. G. Johnson. 2005. Influence of formulation and glyphosate salt on absorption and translocation in three annual weeds. Weed Sci. 53:153-159.

  • Sellers, B. A., Cordes, J. C., Smeda, R. J., and Johnson, W. G. 2004. Waterhemp control in transgenic and conventional corn varieties. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2004-1208-01-RS.

  • Sellers, B. A., R. J. Smeda, and J. Li. 2004. Glutamine synthetase and ammonium accumulation influence diurnal effects following glufosinate application. Pest. Biochem. Physiol. 78:9-20.

  • Sellers, B. A., R. J. Smeda, and W. G. Johnson. 2003. Atrazine may overcome the time of day effect on glufosinate efficacy. Online. Crop Manag. doi:10.1094/CM-2003-1111-01-RS.

  • Sellers, B. A., R. J. Smeda, and W. G. Johnson. 2003. Diurnal fluctuations and leaf angle reduce glufosinate efficacy. Weed Technol. 17:302-306.

  • Sellers, B. A., R. J. Smeda, W. G. Johnson, J. A. Kendig, and M. R. Ellersieck. 2003. Comparative growth of six Amaranthus species in Missouri. Weed Sci. 51:329-333.

  • Sellers, B. A. and M. V. Hickman. 2001. Effects of soil amendments on herbicide efficacy and leaching. Weed Technol. 15:686-696.


  • Sellers, B. A., N. Rana, J. A. Ferrell, G. E. MacDonald, J. M. B. Vendramini, and M. L. Silveira. 2012. Biology and management of smutgrass (Sporobolus sp.) in sub-tropical and tropical regions. 48th Caribbean Food Crops Society Proceedings. 48:43.

  • Vendramini, J.M.B., L.E. Sollenberger, G.C. Lamb, M.L. Silveira, and B.A. Sellers. 2012. Evaluation of the potential invasiveness of Mulato grass in Florida. 48th Caribbean Food Crops Society Annual Meeting, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

  • Chaudhari,S., B. A. Sellers, G. E. MacDonald, and S. Rockwood. 2011. Cultural techniques to manage para grass in wetlands. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 64:333.

  • Chaudhari, S., B. A. Sellers, G. E. MacDonald, and S. Rockwood. 2010. Control of paragrass in Florida wetlands. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 63:112.

  • Ferrell, J. A. and B. A. Sellers. 2010. Brush control with aminopyralid. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 63:236.
  • MacDonald, G. E., J. A. Ferrell, B. A. Sellers, and K. A. Langeland. 2010. Integrated approaches to cogongrass management in Florida. WSSA Abstracts. 50:315.

  • Rana, N., B. J. Wilder, B. A. Sellers, and J. A. Ferrell. 2010. Effect of environmental conditions on smutgrass seed germination. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 63:181.

  • Sellers, B. A. and J. A. Ferrell. 2010. Weed control and forage tolerance with MAT-28. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 63:187.

  • Sellers, B. A., J. A. Ferrell, M. Silveira, and J. Vendramini. 2010. Effect of dogfennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) removal timing on bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) yield. WSSA Abstracts 50:274.

  • Fast, B. J., J. A. Ferrell, and B. A. Sellers. 2009. Saw palmetto control with triclopyr and metsulfuron spot treatments. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 62:87.

  • Ferrell, J. A. and B. A. Sellers. 2009. Management of pasture weeds with Cleanwave (fluroxypyr + aminopyralid). Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 62:416.

  • MacDonald, G. E., J. A. Ferrell, K. A. Langeland, and B. A. Sellers. 2009. Integrated management of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) for bahiagrass pastures. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 62:356.

  • Rana, N., B. A. Sellers, and J. A. Ferrell. 2009. Soft rush (Juncus effusus) control in pastures. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 62:173.

  • Sellers, B. A. and J. A. Ferrell. 2009. Utility of sulfosulfuron for grass forage establishment in Florida. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 62:421.

  • Dobrow, M. H., B. A. Sellers, J. A. Ferrell, and C. R. Rainbolt. 2008. Efficacy of Cleanwave (fluroxypyr + aminopyralid) for dogfennel control in Florida pastures. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:159.

  • Sellers, B. A. and J. A. Ferrell. 2008. Dogfennel competition in bahiagrass. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:167.

  • Sellers, B. A., K. A. Langeland, and C. J. Gray. 2008. Control of West Indian marsh grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) in Florida. WSSA Abstracts. 48:198.

  • Villazon, K., E. Ketterer, G. MacDonald, J. Ferrell, and B. Sellers. 2008. The influence of PGRs on the efficacy of glyphosate and imazapyr for cogongrass control. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:175.

  • Wilder, B. J., J. A. Ferrell, B. A. Sellers, and G. E. MacDonald. 2008. Comparison of two smutgrass (Sporobolus) species common to Florida pastures. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:155.